Nol.A SDK Library  24.11.4
For IoT System Software Development
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CBLEAddressA BLE device address
 CBLEAdvertisedDeviceA representation of a BLE advertised device found by a scan
 CBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacksA callback handler for callbacks associated device scanning
 CBLEAdvertisementDataAdvertisement data set by the programmer to be published by the BLE server
 CBLEAdvertisingPerform and manage BLE advertising
 CBLEBeaconRepresentation of a beacon. See:
 CBLECharacteristicThe model of a BLE Characteristic
 CBLECharacteristicCallbacksCallbacks that can be associated with a BLE characteristic to inform of events
 CBLECharacteristicMapA data mapping used to manage the set of BLE characteristics known to the server
 CBLEClientA model of a BLE client
 CBLEClientCallbacksCallbacks associated with a BLE client
 CBLEDescriptorA model of a BLE descriptor
 CBLEDescriptorCallbacksCallbacks that can be associated with a BLE descriptors to inform of events
 CBLEDescriptorMapA management structure for BLE descriptors
 CBLEDeviceBLE functions
 CBLERemoteCharacteristicA model of a remote BLE characteristic
 CBLERemoteDescriptorA model of remote BLE descriptor
 CBLERemoteServiceA model of a remote BLE service
 CBLEScanPerform and manage BLE scans
 CBLEScanResultsThe result of having performed a scan. When a scan completes, we have a set of found devices. Each device is described by a BLEAdvertisedDevice object. The number of items in the set is given by getCount(). We can retrieve a device by calling getDevice() passing in the index (starting at 0) of the desired device
 CBLEServerThe model of a BLE server
 CBLEServerCallbacksCallbacks associated with the operation of a BLE server
 CBLEServiceThe model of a BLE service
 CBLEServiceMapA data structure that manages the BLE servers owned by a BLE server
 CBLEValueThe model of a BLE value
 CBootloaderSupportableBootloader Interface for systems with bootloader
 CSX126xChip::CalibrationParams_tRepresents a calibration configuration
 CCoAPCoAP common
 CGPIOInterruptInfo_tGPIO 인터럽트에 관한 상세정보
 CIPv6::Header_tIPv6 Header
 CIEEE802_15_4AddressIEEE 802.15.4 address
 CIP6_ADDRESSIPv6 address
 CIPv6Internet Protocol Version 6 Stack
 CIPv6InterfaceIPv6 Network Interface
 CIPv6LoRaWAN_IP_UDP_CompressorIPv6 and UDP header compressor for IPv6 over LoRaWAN
 CIPv6PacketBufferIPv6PacketBuffer for Nol.A-SDK IPv6 Suite
 CMcuGenericGeneric MCU
 CIPv6::OptHeaderMPL_tMPL Option
 CIPv6::OptHeaderRPL_tRPL Option Header for Carrying RPL Information in Data-Plane Datagrams
 CPacketRadioChipPacketRadio 를 지원하기 위한 무선 칩
 CPrintPrint 클래스
 CProtothreadProtothreads C++ implementation
 CQueue< T >
 CQueue< RadioPacket * >
 CCoAPRequest::ResponseInfo_tCoAP response 정보
 CRTCCalendar실시간 시계 및 달력
 CSPISPI (4-Wire)를 제어하기 위한 클래스
 CStandardPrintable표준 출력, 오류출력 지원
 CStorage데이터를 읽고 쓰는 비휘발성 저장공간 (NVM)
 CTimerTimer는 일정 시간 이후에 1회 실행될 작업, 매 일정 시간마다 실행될 작업 등을 위한 기능입니다
 CIPv6::TLVHeader_tIPv6 Options' TL (Type and Length)
 CTwoWireI2C (2-Wire)를 제어하기 위한 클래스
 CUDPDatagramListenerUDP datagram listener
 CWiFiClassWiFi 장치를 제어하기 위한 클래스