Nol.A SDK Library  24.11.4
For IoT System Software Development
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DW1000Chip::Config_t Struct Reference

Public Attributes

uint8_t chan
 channel number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) (default: 2)
Prf_t prf
 Default: DW1000Chip::PRF_64M.
Plen_t txPreambLength
 Default: DW1000Chip::PLEN_1024.
Pac_t rxPAC
 Relates to RX preamble length, default: DW1000Chip::PAC32.
uint8_t txCode
 TX preamble code, default: 9.
uint8_t rxCode
 RX preamble code, default: 9.
uint8_t nsSFD
 Boolean should we use non-standard SFD for better performance, Default: 1.
Br_t dataRate
 Default: DW1000Chip::BR_110K.
PhrMode_t phrMode
 Default: DW1000Chip::PHRMODE_STD.
uint16_t sfdTO
 SFD timeout value (in symbols), default: 1025 + 64 - 32.

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