Nol.A SDK Library
For IoT System Software Development
▼ libnola-publisher | |
▼ libnola-common | |
► atsamr21-xpro | |
► include | |
System.hpp | Microchip SAMR21 Xplained Pro Board specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for ATSAMR21-Xplained Pro |
► feather-m0 | |
► include | |
System.hpp | Feather-M0 Board specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for Adafruit Feather-M0 |
► include | |
► nrf5x | |
nRF5xFlashPage.hpp | NRF5x flash page |
nRF5xSPI.hpp | SPI implementation for nRF5x |
► stm32f4 | |
STM32F4xxFlashSector.hpp | STM32F4xx Flash Memory (Sector) |
AT86RF233Chip.hpp | Atmel AT86RF233 Radio Chip |
BLE2902.hpp | Descriptor for Client Characteristic Configuration |
BLE2904.hpp | Descriptor for Characteristic Presentation Format |
BLEAddress.hpp | A BLE device address |
BLEAdvertisedDevice.hpp | A representation of a BLE advertised device found by a scan |
BLEAdvertising.hpp | Advertisement data set by the programmer to be published by the BLE server |
BLEBeacon.hpp | Representation of a beacon |
BLECharacteristic.hpp | A management structure for BLE descriptors |
BLEClient.hpp | A model of a BLE client |
BLECommon.hpp | BLE common |
BLEDescriptor.hpp | A model of a BLE descriptor |
BLEDevice.hpp | BLE functions |
BLERemoteCharacteristic.hpp | A model of a remote BLE characteristic |
BLERemoteDescriptor.hpp | A model of remote BLE descriptor |
BLERemoteService.hpp | A model of a remote BLE service |
BLEScan.hpp | The result of having performed a scan |
BLESecurity.hpp | |
BLEServer.hpp | A data structure that manages the BLE servers owned by a BLE server |
BLEService.hpp | A data mapping used to manage the set of BLE characteristics known to the server |
BLEUUID.hpp | A model of a BLE UUID |
BLEValue.hpp | A model of a BLE value |
BootloaderSupportable.hpp | Bootloader Interface for systems with bootloader |
CC1200Chip.hpp | TI CC1200 Sub-1GHz RF Transceiver |
CoAP.hpp | Libcoap API wrapper for Nol.A SDK |
CoAPResource.hpp | CoAP API wrapper of libcoap for CoX SDK |
cox.h | API and definitions |
CXD5603GFChip.hpp | Sony CXD5603GF GPS/GNSS Chip |
DSTWRanging.hpp | Double-sided Two-way Ranging |
DW1000Chip.hpp | DecaWave DW1000 UWB Radio Chip |
FLRCFrame.hpp | |
IEEE802_15_4Frame.hpp | IEEE 802.15.4 Frame |
IEEE802_15_4Mac.hpp | IEEE 802.15.4 MAC API |
IPv6.hpp | IPv6 Protocol |
IPv6Interface.hpp | IPv6 Network Interface |
IPv6LoRaWAN.hpp | IPv6 Network Interface - LoRaWAN |
IPv6LoRaWAN_IP_UDP_Compressor.hpp | IPv6 and UDP header compressor for IPv6 over LoRaWAN |
IPv6LoWPAN.hpp | IPv6 Network Interface - 6LoWPAN |
IPv6MulticastRouting.hpp | IPv6 Multicast Routing Protocol |
IPv6PPPoS.hpp | IPv6 Network Interface - PPPoS |
IPv6UnicastRouting.hpp | IPv6 Network Interface |
LMac.hpp | LMAC: CSMA for LoRa Networks |
LoRa2GHzFrame.hpp | |
LoRaMac.hpp | LoRaMac class |
LoRaMacLBT.hpp | LoRaMac for Listen-Before-Talk |
LPPMac.hpp | LPPMac class |
MAX14676Chip.hpp | MAX14676 Battery Manager |
McuARMCortexM.hpp | ARM Cortex-M |
McuATSAMD21.hpp | Microchip SAM D21 MCU |
McuATSAMR21.hpp | Microchip SAM R21 MCU |
McuESP32.hpp | Espressif ESP32 |
McuGeneric.hpp | Generic MCU |
McuMSP430x5.hpp | TI MSP430x5 MCU |
McuNRF51.hpp | Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 MCU |
McuNRF52.hpp | Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 MCU |
McuSTM32F0xx.hpp | STM32F0xx MCU |
McuSTM32F4xx.hpp | STM32F4xx MCU |
McuSTM32L0xx.hpp | STM32L0xx MCU |
McuSTM32L1xx.hpp | STM32L1xx MCU |
McuSTM32WLxx.hpp | STM32L0xx MCU |
ModbusMaster.hpp | |
nola-common.h | System and user common types and functions |
nRF51Radio.h | Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 SoC Radio |
PacketRadio.hpp | |
PacketRadioChip.hpp | PacketRadioChip class |
PacketRadioSniffer.h | PacketRadioSniffer |
PacketRadioTransmitter.h | PacketRadioTransmitter |
Protothread.hpp | Protothread Porting for Nol.A-SDK |
Queue.hpp | Queue |
Radio.hpp | |
RadioPacket.hpp | |
RS485.hpp | RS485 class |
RTCCalendar.hpp | RTCCalendar class |
SdCard.hpp | SdCard class |
SeggerRtt.hpp | SEGGER RTT (Real Time Transfer) Wrapper |
SerialPort.hpp | SerialPort class |
SLIPConverter.hpp | Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Converter |
SoftwareSPI.hpp | Software Serial Programming Interface (SPI) |
SPI.hpp | Serial Programming Interface (SPI) |
Storage.hpp | Storage class |
SX126xChip.hpp | Semtech SX126x Radio Chip |
SX1272Chip.hpp | Semtech SX1272 Radio Chip |
SX1276Chip.hpp | Semtech SX1276 Radio Chip |
SX127xChip.hpp | Semtech SX1272/6 Radio Chip |
SX1280Chip.hpp | Semtech SX1280 Radio Chip |
SX1280ChipSPI.hpp | Semtech SX1280 radio chip that connected via SPI |
SX1301Chip.hpp | Semtech SX1301 Radio Chip |
Timer.hpp | Timer class |
Trickle.hpp | Trickle timer |
TSCHMac.hpp | TSCHMac class for IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH mode |
TwoWire.hpp | TWI / I2C interface |
UDP.hpp | User Datagram Protocol |
► nordic-nrf52-dk | |
► include | |
System.hpp | NRF52-DK specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for nRF52-DK |
► plm100 | |
► include | |
System.hpp | PLM100 Board specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for PLM100 |
► plm100s | |
► include | |
System.hpp | PLM100S specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for PLM100S |
► plm150 | |
► include | |
System.hpp | PLM150 specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for PLM150 |
► rak3172 | |
► include | |
System.hpp | RAK3172 specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for RAK31720 |
► st-nucleo-f429zi | |
► include | |
System.hpp | ST Nucleo-F429ZI specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for ST Nucleo-F429ZI |
► st-nucleo-l073rz | |
► include | |
System.hpp | ST Nucleo-L073RZ specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for ST Nucleo-L073RZ |
► st-nucleo-l152re | |
► include | |
System.hpp | ST Nucleo-L152RE specific API |
typedef.h | Type definitions for ST Nucleo-L152RE |
► ti-msp430f5438a | |
► include | |
System.hpp | TI MSP430F5438A on Target Development Board |
typedef.h | Type definitions for TI MSP430F5438A |
► trxeb | |
► include | |
typedef.h | Type definitions for TI TrxEB |