Nol.A SDK Library  24.11.4
For IoT System Software Development
include Directory Reference



file  AT86RF233Chip.hpp
 Atmel AT86RF233 Radio Chip.
file  BLE2902.hpp
 Descriptor for Client Characteristic Configuration.
file  BLE2904.hpp
 Descriptor for Characteristic Presentation Format.
file  BLEAddress.hpp
 A BLE device address.
file  BLEAdvertisedDevice.hpp
 A representation of a BLE advertised device found by a scan.
file  BLEAdvertising.hpp
 Advertisement data set by the programmer to be published by the BLE server.
file  BLEBeacon.hpp
 Representation of a beacon.
file  BLECharacteristic.hpp
 A management structure for BLE descriptors.
file  BLEClient.hpp
 A model of a BLE client.
file  BLECommon.hpp
 BLE common.
file  BLEDescriptor.hpp
 A model of a BLE descriptor.
file  BLEDevice.hpp
 BLE functions
file  BLERemoteCharacteristic.hpp
 A model of a remote BLE characteristic.
file  BLERemoteDescriptor.hpp
 A model of remote BLE descriptor.
file  BLERemoteService.hpp
 A model of a remote BLE service.
file  BLEScan.hpp
 The result of having performed a scan.
file  BLESecurity.hpp
file  BLEServer.hpp
 A data structure that manages the BLE servers owned by a BLE server.
file  BLEService.hpp
 A data mapping used to manage the set of BLE characteristics known to the server.
file  BLEUUID.hpp
 A model of a BLE UUID.
file  BLEValue.hpp
 A model of a BLE value.
file  BootloaderSupportable.hpp
 Bootloader Interface for systems with bootloader.
file  CC1200Chip.hpp
 TI CC1200 Sub-1GHz RF Transceiver.
file  CoAP.hpp
 libcoap API wrapper for Nol.A SDK
file  CoAPResource.hpp
 CoAP API wrapper of libcoap for CoX SDK.
file  cox.h
 API and definitions.
file  CXD5603GFChip.hpp
 Sony CXD5603GF GPS/GNSS Chip.
file  DSTWRanging.hpp
 Double-sided Two-way Ranging.
file  DW1000Chip.hpp
 DecaWave DW1000 UWB Radio Chip.
file  FLRCFrame.hpp
file  IEEE802_15_4Frame.hpp
 IEEE 802.15.4 Frame.
file  IEEE802_15_4Mac.hpp
 IEEE 802.15.4 MAC API.
file  IPv6.hpp
 IPv6 Protocol.
file  IPv6Interface.hpp
 IPv6 Network Interface.
file  IPv6LoRaWAN.hpp
 IPv6 Network Interface - LoRaWAN.
file  IPv6LoRaWAN_IP_UDP_Compressor.hpp
 IPv6 and UDP header compressor for IPv6 over LoRaWAN.
file  IPv6LoWPAN.hpp
 IPv6 Network Interface - 6LoWPAN.
file  IPv6MulticastRouting.hpp
 IPv6 Multicast Routing Protocol.
file  IPv6PPPoS.hpp
 IPv6 Network Interface - PPPoS.
file  IPv6UnicastRouting.hpp
 IPv6 Network Interface.
file  LMac.hpp
 LMAC: CSMA for LoRa Networks.
file  LoRa2GHzFrame.hpp
file  LoRaMac.hpp
 LoRaMac class.
file  LoRaMacLBT.hpp
 LoRaMac for Listen-Before-Talk.
file  LPPMac.hpp
 LPPMac class.
file  MAX14676Chip.hpp
 MAX14676 Battery Manager.
file  McuARMCortexM.hpp
 ARM Cortex-M.
file  McuATSAMD21.hpp
 Microchip SAM D21 MCU.
file  McuATSAMR21.hpp
 Microchip SAM R21 MCU.
file  McuESP32.hpp
 Espressif ESP32.
file  McuGeneric.hpp
 Generic MCU.
file  McuMSP430x5.hpp
 TI MSP430x5 MCU.
file  McuNRF51.hpp
 Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 MCU.
file  McuNRF52.hpp
 Nordic Semiconductor nRF52 MCU.
file  McuSTM32F0xx.hpp
 STM32F0xx MCU.
file  McuSTM32F4xx.hpp
 STM32F4xx MCU.
file  McuSTM32L0xx.hpp
 STM32L0xx MCU.
file  McuSTM32L1xx.hpp
 STM32L1xx MCU.
file  McuSTM32WLxx.hpp
 STM32L0xx MCU.
file  ModbusMaster.hpp
file  nola-common.h
 System and user common types and functions.
file  nRF51Radio.h
 Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 SoC Radio.
file  PacketRadio.hpp
file  PacketRadioChip.hpp
 PacketRadioChip class.
file  PacketRadioSniffer.h
file  PacketRadioTransmitter.h
file  Protothread.hpp
 Protothread Porting for Nol.A-SDK.
file  Queue.hpp
file  Radio.hpp
file  RadioPacket.hpp
file  RS485.hpp
 RS485 class.
file  RTCCalendar.hpp
 RTCCalendar class.
file  SdCard.hpp
 SdCard class.
file  SeggerRtt.hpp
 SEGGER RTT (Real Time Transfer) Wrapper.
file  SerialPort.hpp
 SerialPort class.
file  SLIPConverter.hpp
 Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Converter.
file  SoftwareSPI.hpp
 Software Serial Programming Interface (SPI)
file  SPI.hpp
 Serial Programming Interface (SPI)
file  Storage.hpp
 Storage class.
file  SX126xChip.hpp
 Semtech SX126x Radio Chip.
file  SX1272Chip.hpp
 Semtech SX1272 Radio Chip.
file  SX1276Chip.hpp
 Semtech SX1276 Radio Chip.
file  SX127xChip.hpp
 Semtech SX1272/6 Radio Chip.
file  SX1280Chip.hpp
 Semtech SX1280 Radio Chip.
file  SX1280ChipSPI.hpp
 Semtech SX1280 radio chip that connected via SPI.
file  SX1301Chip.hpp
 Semtech SX1301 Radio Chip.
file  Timer.hpp
 Timer class.
file  Trickle.hpp
 Trickle timer.
file  TSCHMac.hpp
 TSCHMac class for IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH mode.
file  TwoWire.hpp
 TWI / I2C interface.
file  UDP.hpp
 User Datagram Protocol.