Nol.A SDK Library  24.11.4
For IoT System Software Development
BLEBeacon Member List

This is the complete list of members for BLEBeacon, including all inherited members.

BLEBeacon() (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
getData() (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
getMajor() (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
getManufacturerId() (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
getMinor() (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
getProximityUUID() (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
getSignalPower() (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
major (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
manufacturerId (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
minor (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
proximityUUID (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
setData(std::string data) (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
setMajor(uint16_t major) (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
setManufacturerId(uint16_t manufacturerId) (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
setMinor(uint16_t minor) (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
setProximityUUID(BLEUUID uuid) (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
setSignalPower(int8_t signalPower) (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
signalPower (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
subType (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon
subTypeLength (defined in BLEBeacon)BLEBeacon